University of Arkansas Fayetteville

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The UA revenue sharing policy has been in place since at least 1986 and has remained the same since.

Institution Start End Flat $0-10k $10-50k $50-100k $100-300k $300-500k $0.5-1M >$1M Fee Lab More
University of Arkansas Fayetteville 1986 2017 No 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.43 0.35 0.35 0.35 0 No No

Policy Excerpts

1986 Policy

University of Arkansas 1985 Patent and Copyright Policy In consideration of the disclosure and assignment of Inventions, the Inventor, or the Inventor's heirs, successors, or assigns shall receive fifty percent (50%) of the first two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) of net royalties or other net income from the commercialization of an Invention. The remaining fifty percent (50%) shall be distributed to the University in the following manner: forty-five (45%) to the chief operating officer of the Inventor's campus or division for distribution within the campus or division for patent administration and research purposes; and five percent (5%) to a fund to be managed and distributed by the University of Arkansas for patent administration and research purposes.

Any net royalties or other net income above $200,000 shall be distributed as follows: (a) thirty-five percent (35%) to the Inventor or the Inventor's heirs, successors, or assigns; (b) sixty percent (60%) to the chief operating officer of the Inventor's campus or division for distribution within the campus or division for patent administration and research purposes; and (c) five percent (5%) to a fund to be managed and distributed by the University for patent administration and research purposes.

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