Florida Atlantic University

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Little blurb about what we know.


Institution Start End Flat $0-10k $10-50k $50-100k $100-300k $300-500k $0.5-1M >$1M Fee Lab More
Florida Atlantic University 1997 2000 No 0.75 0.50 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0 Yes No
Florida Atlantic University 2001 2017 No 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0 Yes No

Policy Excerpts

2001 Policy

With regard to any Work or Invention owned by the University, Net Income, less any foreseeable Development Expenses OTT or FARC deems necessary to defend or maintain the Work or Invention, will be distributed as follows:

To Cap A: 100% to the Creator

From Cap A to Cap B: 50% to the Creator

Above Cap B: 35% to the Creator

Cap A is reached when a total of $5000 of Net Income has been distributed from a license, regardless of the number of Inventions or Works or Creators associated with such license. Cap B is reached when $100,000 has been distributed from a license, regardless of the number of Inventions or Works or Creators associated with such license.

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