Colorado State University
Colorado State University has revised its patent policies twice since 1991. Inventors receive 30% of all royalty shares.
Institution | Start | End | Flat | $0-10k | $10-50k | $50-100k | $100-300k | $300-500k | $0.5-1M | >$1M | Fee | Lab | More |
Colorado State University | 2000 | 2007 | Yes | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0.35 | 0 | No | No |
Colorado State University | 2008 | 2017 | Yes | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0.30 | 0 | No | No |
Policy Excerpts
2007 Policy
Distribution of Royalties Net royalties shall be distributed according to the following schedule:
Inventor(s) 30%, Vice President for Research 15%, Inventors’ College/Department 15%, and CSURF 40%
2000 Policy
The DCE also will be reimbursed for its directcosts attributable to equipment and materials used in the production of Academic Materials. After reimbursement ofthose direct costs, CSURF shall retain twenty (20) percent of net royalties for marketing Academic Materials. The remaining eighty (80) percent net royalties will be distributed as follows:
35 percent Inventor(s)/Creator(s), 10 percent Inventor(s)/Creator's(s') Department/College, 20 percent DCE, 15 percent Provost.
The CSURF shall retain forty (40) percent of the net royalties for all other Works. The remaining sixty (60) percent net royalties will be distributed as follows:
35 percent Inventor(s)/Creator(s), 10 percent Inventor(s)/Creator's (s') Department/College, 15 percent VPRThe department/college, DCE, Provost, and VPR share in these royalties which shall be used to promote and support research, scholarship, and instructional activities.